Create words using the ending letters of the previous (or starting) word.
The more letters that overlap, the greater your score multiplier.
Get to 1500 score with the least number of words possible.
Example Previous Word: terrace
Sample Input Word: racecar
Your word may not be a subset of the previous word, and vice versa.
If the previous word was rainforest, your word can NOT be forest.
If the previous word was rain, your word can NOT be rainforest.
You must use at least the last two letters of the previous word.
You get 100 points per word. Each overlapping letter beyond the minimum overlap (two) increases the word's multiplier by 25%.
Created by Pradyun Bhaskar
Special thanks to Titus Wormer and Michael Beckius, whose code was incredibly useful in the development of this game.
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Create words using the ending letters of the previous (or starting) word.
The more letters that overlap, the greater your score multiplier.
Get to 1500 score with the least number of words possible.
Example Previous Word: terrace
Sample Input Word: racecar
Your word may not be a subset of the previous word, and vice versa.
If the previous word was rainforest, your word can NOT be forest.
If the previous word was rain, your word can NOT be rainforest.
You must use at least the last two letters of the previous word.